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Support Network Development for Alport Syndrome


A project aimed at developing support networks for patients with Alport Syndrome, fostering community and providing essential resources.


Support networks are vital for Alport Syndrome patients. This project seeks to create robust support networks. The Alport Syndrome Support Network provides resources and support for Alport Syndrome patients. Dr. Angela Moore, a specialist in community support, leads this initiative. 


Develop support networks for Alport Syndrome patients
  • Identify community needs
  • Develop support programs
  • Implement and evaluate programs

Project scope

  • Community needs assessment
  • Support program development
  • Program implementation
  • Long-term support program maintenance


  • Research Methods:Surveys and community meetings
  • Patient Engagement:Involvement in program planning
  • Data Collection & Analysis:Survey analysis and feedback review


Positive feedback from program participants
  • Participation rates
  • Program satisfaction scores